What is in a Mug Shot?

Seek good and positive desires that lead to a more perfect end on the best path. Do not give up on your worthwhile goals or lose motivation.
Interview with a Fabulous Friday Friend: KC MorcomInterview with a Fabulous Friday Friend: KC Morcom
I would like to intoduce a talented artist, storyteller, author, and illustrator of ‘KCM Inspirations’. KC Morcom holds many titles among which are : Former Content Editor & Publisher of

Don't worry if you are feeling overwhelmed, overcome fear with faith.
A Poem About ChildhoodA Poem About Childhood
Ode to Whispering Pines By Jeana Rippy Rayfield Verdant pines sway-scenting my childhood each day.O’er fair fragrant carpeted needles we trod.Climbing brisk aboard bright school bound buses,we grew like
Read Write IgniteRead Write Ignite
Instagram has been the main source of my writer and reader connections. I have found many encouragers and supportive people to interact with and share my own comments with about
Gluten Free CookingGluten Free Cooking
I started out on a mission this morning! At sunrise I decided to give it a whirl at making some gluten-free apple muffins. I used the recipe from the Bob’s
Details in the WaitingDetails in the Waiting
Psalm 24 The earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness thereof; The world, and they that dwell therein, For he hath founded it upon the seas, And established it upon
Appearances: Inside and OutAppearances: Inside and Out
Traveling through the airport recently, I noticed how different so many of the other travelers looked from one another. Yet, according to 1 Peter 16:7 it is what is on
Book Review: Grandma, It’s Me by Y.Y. ChanBook Review: Grandma, It’s Me by Y.Y. Chan
This heartwarming story will give readers a glimpse through a child’s eyes into a home touched by dementia. Having experienced this myself as a teenager, it brought back memories of
Social Media UpdateSocial Media Update
Random Thoughts My Instagram account has been deactivated by Instagram. Until I can resolve the problem, i cannot log in to the sweetbeepress1 account. Hopefully the issue will be resolved